
Monday, November 9, 2020

Men of Steel in their Underwear

The Superman costume centers on a red-and-yellow "S" on a blue field.  You can buy or make entire costumes, but why not just use the logo on underwear?  Thus you can highlight the part of your anatomy that is "super."

Of course, it helps if you have a bulge to fill it out.  No one wants to see a flat "Superman" logo.

If you are well built, you can get away with it.

This guy has a whole Man of Sttel going on in his shorts.  Hard to see where his bulge begins.

Boxers give you a chance to display a lot of "S" logos.

More after the break.

Anybody prefer Clark Kent?  I'm not sure about the lollipop.

I don't know which end to start with.

Anyone fantasize about kissing Superman?

Superman in white.

Sometimes the underwear is the last thing on your mind.

Bodypaint for BDSM cosplay.

1 comment:

  1. There are a few variants. Steel wears armor. Superboy-Prime either wears a grey logo or carves it into his chest. And Power Girl is a nihilist, hence the boob window. We need dick Windows.

    Oh, what's interesting is how the bat-family are all buddy bonding with their own aliens, except Dick Grayson, the only bat-dude who's bi in canon. (At least when Marv Wolfman wrote him, we have pronoun games and several times the narration says he's in "awe" of Jericho. But Marv Wolfman didn't make him a thot, which is what a portion of the fan base wants in the end. You know how many people Dick sleeps with in that run of Teen Titans? Two, one by choice.) Multiple aliens (sadly, all female) want to bang him.

    Jason has Bizarro, Tom has Kon, Damian has Jon, and moving away from supers, Oracle has Black Canary, who was originally from Earth-2.
