
Thursday, April 26, 2018

My 10 Favorite Tied-Up Soldiers

BDSM scenes often involve "captured soldiers" being interrogated: "How many in your regiment? We have ways of making you talk."

The problem is, to identify someone as a soldier, he has to be in uniform, or at least wearing camouflage, and in BDSM scenes the bottom is typically naked.  The cock and butt need to be available, and besides, we want to appreciate the male physique.  How can you be naked and in uniform at the same time?

Here are my ten favorite BDSM men in uniform.

1. Camouflage-style pants open to reveal the cock.

2. Camouflage-style hat, khaki pants, and dog tags.  Sculpted physique looks like it belongs to a bodybuilder rather than a scared private.

3. Fully clothed, even the cap in place, but the cock is out for your groping, grabbing, and whatever else strikes your fancy.

4.  An interesting way to strip him out of his uniform.

5.  Nothing but the dog tags.

More after the break.

6.  The only military suggestion is the olive-green shirt (mostly cut off) and gag.

7.  Torn out of his uniform.  Nice abs.

8.  You rarely see a belly in military BDSM.  The black-and-white camouflage looks strange, though.

9.  Pants down.

10.  A bare chest is better than nothing.


  1. I always wonder if military porn is real. Obama may have done away with don't ask, don't tell, but being in porn, gay or straight, is still grounds for discharge.

    I have noticed military porn has a type, though.

    1. I'm sure that a lot of real soldiers are into BDSM, but they probably won't consent to being photographed in uniform.
