
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Men's Second Most Erotic Feature

The most erotic feature of a man is his cock, of course, or his basket, when he's wearing clothes. But close seconds are  his hands.

In evaluating whether a man is attractive or not, I go by hands, face, general physique, basket, in that order.

The hands are the only feature that can be an instant turnoff.  I don't mind an ugly face, a less than spectacular physique, or a less than spectacular cock, but ugly hands, and it's bye-bye.

I like square, strong, masculine hands, significantly wider than the wrist, with short, thick fingers.

And not a lot of veins or wrinkles.  The front of the hand should be featureless, cool hard marble.

I don't want to actually do anything sexual with the hands, and I don't use hand size as a stand in for cock size.

Hands are merely emblems of masculinity, proof that the whole man is strong and powerful.

Any hint of delicacy, fragility, or weakness makes the whole man unattractive.

Long, thin, slender fingers are an immediate turn-off.  When I read in The Hobbit that Bilbo had long, nimble fingers, I was so disgusted I could hardly read any more.

Veins and protruding bones are a turn-off, and of course, the hands must never be allowed to hang loosely from the wrist.  Pretend that the wrists have no joints at all, and do not bend.

Even worse than long, slender fingers or protruding veins are rings.  I can't stand any sort of jewelry on a man's hand. This photo was so disgusting that I had to censor it.  But the hands are still unattractive, long and narrow, with long, slim fingers.

More after the break.

A bracelet is ok, and I like a thick, heavy watch.  It makes the wrist seem thicker and heavier and emphasize the squareness of the hand.

This guy would be great, except the index fingeris a little long, and is that a ring?

Dark skin with light fingernails is a turn-off.  It looks like he is wearing nail polish.

And, of course, no long fingernails.

Musicians and artists rarely have nice hands.  The fingers are too long and slender.

Guys with blue-collar jobs often have great hands.

This pair of hands is practically perfect, hard ands square, thicker than the wrist, just a little veiny, with protruding knuckles.   I'd want to date him for his hands alone.

Another practically perfect example.

Who needs to see anything else?  Set up the date!

1 comment:

  1. I thought maybe the dude forgot to take off his wedding ring before going on Grindr. Then again, some guys like that sort of thing (hooking up with married guys, not rings).
