
Friday, October 11, 2019

Sausage Sighting in a Hallway on Campus

The fastest route from the campus gym to my office is across the quad, through the Business Center, and then across another quad.

The longer route goes down a little-used hallway past a handicapped bathroom, a doorway to the the back of the swimming pool, and the Athletic Training Department, then into the fieldhouse, upstairs, then through a maze of corridors.  All indoors, so I use it when it's raining or cold outside.  

And there's another benefit to walking past Athletic Training: most of its students are ..built.

Muscles on parade.

And sometimes more.

Yesterday afternoon it wasn't cold and raining, but for some reason I decided to take the long way anyway.  I was walking down the corridor, just past the door to the swimming pool, when suddenly a student left the Athletic Training Office and walked toward me.  He looked like someone in my class: dark brown hair, round face, thick athletic physique, wearing a tan t-shirt...

I smiled.  He gave me an odd suspicious look.

Then my usual face-chest-crotch cruise brought my eyes to beneath the belt...

The guy wasn't wearing gym trunks.

Underwear.  Extremely tight underwear.  Everything he had was visible.

Thick cock shaft, the head wrapped under.  Balls on either side.

 My jaw dropped.  Realizing that I was staring, I looked up again, and we passed each other.

Not that I'm complaining, but what was he doing walking down a corridor with his pants off?  There was bound to be foot traffic.

All I can think of is:
He was getting therapy for an injury that required his pants to be off, and had to go to the bathroom. He scooted down the hallway, assuming that there wouldn't be much traffic when it wasn't cold or rainy out.

And when he saw someone approaching, it was too late to turn back.

Whatever his motive,it was a sausage sighting for the record books.

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