Ryan was 26 years old, new in town, and newly out -- he had never been on a gay date before. So I went a little overboard and arranged the most spectacular date in West Hollywood history.
1. Brunch at Geoffrey's in Malibu, where my celebrity boyfriend took me on our first date.
2. Down to the Del Rey Yacht Club, to go sailing with my celebrity friend Edson Stroll.
3. Meet Raul for the tea dance at Mickey's in West Hollywood
4. Dinner at the French Quarter
5. Meet Lee for an outdoor jazz concert at the L.A. County Museum of Art
6. Back home for physical activity (Lee and I had an agreement: we could "date" other guys, but all physical activity had to occur at home, with the other partner present)

1. It is raining, so brunch at Geoffrey's is cold and uncomfortable.
2. It is still raining, so instead of sailing, we go to Fisherman's Village in Marina Del Rey, a tacky tourist trap. Where I trip over something -- I don't know what -- and twist my ankle, making walking difficult.
"Maybe a nice safe movie instead of the tea dance?" I suggest.
"No, I need to be around other gay guys!" Ryan insists. "You can sit down, no problem."
3. Off to Mickey's. It's nearly empty, due to the rain. Ryan has 3 beers. He weighs 100 pounds, so he's buzzed. He starts making the rounds of the dance floor, cruising every Cute Young Thing in sight, while Raul keeps me company at a little table. I fume with jealousy.

He then insists that we have champagne. I don't drink, so one glass is enough to get me buzzed.
The concert is cancelled due to the rain. I try to contact Lee to make alternative plans. No answer (this was before cell phones).
"Let's go to the Toy Tiger instead," Ryan suggests. "Lee will catch up to us eventually."
5. It's a piano bar in Silverlake where they sing show tunes and torch songs. I hate show tunes and torch songs, but Ryan loves them. He sings along to "The Man I Love," "You Can't Get a Man with a Gun," "Strangers in the Dark."
He's 26 years old. Where did he learn all of these old chestnuts?
He has a Mai Tai, whatever that is. His voice get slurry.
I try Lee again. No answer.
After two hours of show tunes and torch songs, I drag Ryan out onto the street. We can't find the car. Has it been stolen? Has it been towed? It's too much trouble to deal with tonight. I call a friend to pick us up.
6. We finally get back to the house. I'm exhausted, in pain, worried about my car, in no mood for physical activity, and besides, we have to wait for Lee.
But Ryan starts kissing and undressing me. Maybe something will go right on this date! We go into the bedroom
Where I promptly fall asleep.
It's official: the Worst Date in West Hollywood History!
By the way, Lee had been waiting for us at the Faultline, my car had been towed, and I didn't see Ryan again
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