Saturday, April 14, 2018

My Favorite Photos of Naked Brothers

It's common for brothers growing up together to "experiment" with sex -- there's no incest taboo when there's no possibility of a pregnancy.

I've never done anything with my brother, or wanted to, but I love pictures of brothers together.  Here are 10 of my favorite photos (presumably brothers based on the resemblance).

1.  One brother nude and rather proud of himself, the other in silly flowered shorts.

2. A trio with their cocks out.  The one on the left is heavily tattooed and the most muscular of the lot. There's a classic car behind them.

3.  Duo nude selfies.  The one on the right is older, and slightly better hung, but they're both gifted in that department.

4. Hurley, whatever that means, with serious expressions and huge uncut cocks.

5. Dig the old-fashioned curtains and the Russian Orthodox icon.  I think the right and the left guys are brothers, and the middle is one of their boyfriends, with a huge ginger cock.

More after the break.

6.  This is a public place (notice the poster).  They're wearing different shirts.  Looks like little brother visited big brother at work, and got stripped.

7.  Nude roughhousing.  These two could be twins.

8.  Oldest in the middle,youngest on the left with a cigarette.

9.  The two on the left look into the pec display.  The third brother, not so much.

10.  Cuddling naked.



  1. 'hurley' is a sports/fashion brand popular with surf & skate (board not ice) -type people.

  2. lewisvagi@gmail.comMarch 25, 2022 at 7:11 PM

    Hermosas fotos, me encanta sobre manera la última.- Beautiful photos, I really love the last one.



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