I've always been attracted to religious guys. There's something erotic about the juxtaposition of the physical and the spiritual, muscles and Bibles, penises and prayer shawls.
I've dated or had other experiences with religious guys (not necessarily clergy) from several Christian traditions, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and paganism.
But not guys from some of the lesser-known religions, like Druze, Jains, Zoroastrians, Baha'is, and Sikhs.
The Sikhs, followers of a monotheistic religion founded by Guru Nanak (1469-1538) in northern India, are particularly interesting. They have uncut hair, beards, turbans, white cotton underclothes, iron bracelets, and kirpans (ceremonial swords).
The men all have the middle or last name Singh ("lion"). They often choose macho careers like police officer, soldier, or bodyguard. Physical fitness is very important; quite a large number are bodybuilders.
Are you getting the idea?
Unfortunately, their religion tends to be highly conservative, obsessively heterosexual-marriage oriented, and homophobic. I've never met any out-and-proud gay Sikhs, or even Sikh guys on the downlow.
There was a Sikh gurdwara (worship center) near my first apartment in Los Angeles, so I often saw them walking down the street or shopping at the 7-11. They gave us cool, disdainful Attitude, refusing to acknowledge our existence.
Once I was talking to a group of friends when a curious Sikh child started walking slowly toward us, staring as if mesmerized. But his mother screamed "Katala! Katala! Get away!"
Katala doesn't mean gay in Punjabi. It means murderer.
So much for my goal of hooking up with a Sikh!
Fast forward to 2003: I'm living in Florida, working at Barney's gym, and a Sikh named Narveer Singh comes in and asks for a tour.
Doesn't he realize that the gym caters mostly to gay men? I don't want him screaming katala!
So I ease into the subject: "As you can see, we draw a diverse crowd. Old, young, different races and religions. Mostly men, though we get a few women."
"Good, good. I wanted a gym with mostly men, to avoid the temptation, you know. Where is your free weight room?"
"A very diverse crowd," I emphasized. "A lot of young, single guys come here....um, a lot of gay men."
"Good, good. Could I try out the treadmill?"
"We..um..don't discriminate. Black, white, gay, straight, everyone is welcome."
"Good, good. What hours are you open?"
"We offer family memberships, so your wife or partner can work out with you. A lot of gay couples get them."
"Oh, my wife goes to Curves [a female-only gym]. Could I do a trial workout?"
Narveer must be completely oblivious! He buys a membership and begins working out every morning, just as we open, wearing a tight blue sweatsuit that accentuates his beneath-the-belt gifts.
So even if I can't hook up with a Sikh guy, I can at least get a Sausage Sighting!

Easier said than done. Sausage Sightings in the gym have to be very discrete. No open gawking -- you have to arrange to "accidentally" be in front of him while he's naked in the locker room.
But Narveer comes to the gym in his workout suit and leaves immediately afterwards. He never uses the lockers, shower, or sauna.
I wander around the gym, sometimes offering him instructions on stance and reps, sometimes just watching from a distance at his lean, muscular frame and blatant bulge.
Come on, God, give me a break -- don't I even rate a Sausage Sighting?
Then one day Narveer comes in wearing a business suit, carrying a gym bag.
"You're looking chipper today," I tell him.
"Oh, I have a job interview nearby, so I thought it would be easier to go directly from the gym rather than driving all the way home again."

Today he's going to use the locker room! Certainly the shower, maybe the sauna.
I wait until he's finished with his workout, give him a few minutes, then grab a clipboard and head back to the locker room. I hear the shower running, so I "decide" to check the temperature and water pressure.
I walk past Narveen's stall. His back is turned to me!
"How's the water pressure?" I ask. "We've had a couple of complaints...."
"It's fine, it's fine."
I go out to the bathroom to "check" something else.
Narveen comes in while my back is turned. I wait for him to finish urinating, and then turn back. He's already at the sink, washing his hands, his penis hidden from view.
Darn! So close!
I go out to the locker room to make sure all of the locks work. Narveen stands on the scale to weigh himself, dropping his towel to the side.
Now's my chance! "Um...that scale is running low. Let me check the calibration."
"Or I could just let you see it." Narveer steps off the scale and faces me. His Bratwurst+ hangs down in full view.
He knew what I was up to all along! "Oh..um...." I stammer, blushing. "You..."
"Well, what do you think? Am I big enough to attract gay guys?
"I would date you," I admit.
"Thanks! My wife didn't believe me -- she said 'You're crazy -- none of the gay guys at your gym are into you -- you're not big enough!' She owes me five dollars!"
He turned and headed back to his locker.
See also: Cruising Priests, Preachers, Monks, and Rabbis; The Naked Gods of Southern India; The College Kid's Kovbasa
This reminded me of my drunk homophobic neighbor loudly accusing me of fucking the landlord (who was Sikh) to save on rent. Like, he was more than twice my age. I'd just graduated, his son was in college,
ReplyDeleteIn a gay neighborhood, an age difference of more than 5 or so years would get you stared at and joked about, but out in the straight world, anything goes (as long as they are of legal age, of course). I've been with guys with a 40 year age difference (18-58). My partner's mother is one year older than me.