They hide behind a towel at the gym.
They don't go to bath houses or M4M Parties, or cruise for hookups.
Their dating profiles online say 7".
Once on the date, they'll make extra sure to win you over with their wit, money, or physique before even considering dropping their pants.
Here are the smallest guys I remember dating. graded by:
C: 4.5 to 5.5" (11.5 - 14 cm)
D: 3.5 to 4.5" (9 - 11.5 cm)
F: Under 3.5" (9 cm)
Remember, this is just one grade on their report cards. They might have a B+ for intelligence, a B for charm, a B+ for physique, and for bedroom performance, an A+.
And, to avoid embarrassment, I'm not including anyone who I am still in contact with.
1. Joseph, from the Gay Student Union at Indiana University. He was very popular, so we didn't actually date, but we did hook up the night we saw the ghost in his grandmother's house. C
West Hollywood
2. Dr. Bartan, the Most Conservative Professor at USC. It took me months to land a date with him. C
3. Chehay, the slim, soft survivor of the Pol Pot atrocities in Cambodia, whose drag queen Aunti Bopha cornered me at Mugi in an attempt to marry him off. C.
4. Ryan the Dwarf, with whom I had the worst date in West Hollywood history (not for that reason). C
5. Will, the Bondage Boy with the Sweeney Todd fetish, who lived in Silverlake. He was into vore (fantacizing about being eaten). But he wouldn't have made much of a meal. D.
6. Ramon from Barcelona, of Chinese ancestry, but he didn't speak Chinese. He was, however, fluent in Catalan and a promoter of Catalonian independence. We had quite a heady political conversation for a hookup. C.
7. The Unhung Hippie who talked nonstop, mostly trivia and nonsense. Yuri wanted to hook up with him, assuming by his height, hands, and feet that he was hung. I tagged along to make sure the hippie wasn't an axe murderer. Even worse: regrettable beneath the belt gifts. D
8. The Teenage Hitchhiker that David and I picked up. An 18-year old from Canada, he wanted to go as far south as he could before his freshman year started in the fall. C
10. Comic Book Guy, who liked to kiss on the couch, but refused to go further, until finally I insisted that I be allowed to spend the night Resulting in the discovery of his extra-extra small beneath the belt gifts. But that's not why I didn't see him again. F
11. Shawn the Firefighter in Dayton. Nicely muscular physique, disappointing beneath the belt. He said that guys sometimes changed their minds at the end of the date. D
12. Carlos who had 3 secrets. One, he was a superchub (his ad said "a few extra pounds"). Two, he had a hot boyfriend. Three, his sausage was so small that I couldn't even find it. F
13. Ludek, who performed a "bait and switch" at a bathhouse in Paris, sending in a guy with a gigantic Mortadella+ to draw attention away from his Vienna sausage. C.
14, The Transman and His Angry Inch. Turns out that I read this Philadelphia college boy's ad wrong. He hadn't transitioned beneath the belt yet. What he had was lady parts enlarged by testosterone treatments into an angry inch. F
16. Ricky with a Y, or should I say Ricky with a C. This was just a couple of weeks ago, but I'm pretty sure I won't be introducing Ricky with a Y to my parents
i dream this