Sunday, June 12, 2016

Which Penis Will You Choose?

Here's a party game that we used to play in West Hollywood.  

Before the party, get nude photos of hot men of various ages, races, and penis sizes, one for each party guest.   One of the penises should be very small:

Paste them onto poster board so they won't get crumpled, and cover their sex organs with a large square of black construction paper, "hinged" so it can be lifted up.  Each square should be of identical size:

1. Decide who will be the Judge (typically the guy who made the photos).

2. The Judge passes out the photos to the players at random..  

3. During the next five minutes, they can keep their  photos, or trade with the other players.  Their goal is to get a photo of a guy with a penis that is the same size as theirs, using only the physique as as a clue.   

4. At the end of five minutes, everyone lifts up the tab and looks at their photo's penis.  If a player thinks that the guy in the photo has a penis the same size as his own, he demonstrates by pulling it out (he doesn't have to be aroused).

 If the Judge agrees, the player and his photo are out of the game.

If the Judge disagrees, the player suffers a "penalty" and stays in the game. (For penalties, I suggest a spanking, a grope, or a brief blow job, but they don't have to be sexual.)
5. The remaining players have five minutes to trade with the others and try again.  By the third or fourth round, everyone will have a good idea of what all of the photos look like, and plan their strategy accordingly.  Typically everyone tries to avoid the very small penis.

The Judge can be accurate or inaccurate in his evaluations.

6.  The last player remaining loses -- whatever losing means, after everyone has gotten naked and probably gotten groped.

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